Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rex in the news

We celebrated Rex's 52nd birthday by going out for pizza as a family. Here's Rex talking to the grandkids at the other end of the table. 4.24.09
Rex entering to find Taylor Lyman standing in for Brian. Taylor's been to many family birthday parties throughout the years. He and Scott are roommates and Brian and Tay are best friends.
Kelly's Home Center is having a business anniversary story written up in the Statesman Journal newspaper next week. Jeff Kelly told Rex they want to feature him in the article as their longest employed worker and thought it would be nice to include of photo of Rex with the triplets. So, we've been taking photos. Here's some of the samples of Rex with the grandkids:
After a long day of working in the yard, Rex holds the triplets. We always try to photograph them in birth order, so from left to right: Alex, Zach, and Riley.
Madison and Grampa 4.23.09
Alex, Zach, and Riley. Now Zach is the heavyweight! Just in case you read the boys' shirts which say, "Save A Tree" we take great pride in asking for paper at the grocery store, as we believe trees are a renewable resource and have, as a family, planted many hundreds of trees in our lifetime. These outfits were baby shower gifts from someone on the left side of right.
After dinner I took Rex to see "The Soloist" and I'm glad to report he stayed awake throughout the movie!

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